Accessing your Android's files/folders never been easier with this Free app.
1) Install the app on your Android.
2) Start the app and do this one time setup -> Fill in any username/password and hit 'Save'.
3) On the next screen hit 'Start' to start the FTP server. Note the Wifi URL will be used in the next step.
4) On your PC, open Windows Explorer and type in the Wifi URL on the address bar. Enter your username/password when prompted.
5) That's it, now you should see all your files on your Android device. Navigate to the /sdcard/ folder as it is where your normal files are located. (better don't touch the other folders as they contain system files)
PS: If you're having trouble connecting even though you followed the steps, try changing the 'stay within folder' settings from '/sdcard' to just '/' and see if that solves the problem.
End Note:
You may add a shortcut for instant access in the future:
- Right click My Computer > Add a Network Location.
- Type in ftp://myusername:mypassword@ and give it a name. (Remember to change the Wifi URL to your own)
Now everytime you need to access your device, just launch SwiFTP, hit 'Start', go to your PC and click on the shortcut :)