13 August 2011
- Added All Time and Today's Top Views at front page for easy access.
31 July 2011
- Added Android shortcut button at home page.
3 July 2011
- Added Android section to site.
24 December 2010
- My cute mascot manage to get a hat just before christmas!
4 October 2010
- I'd been working full time on this website for almost one year now, to see what I could achieve and whether I could make a living as a professional blogger. It has been a good experience to me, both learning to maintain a website and to learn about the meaning of life. Needless to say the income generated from this site alone is puny compare to getting a full time job. Maybe one day it can stand on its ground and make a decent earnings but not now. The effort put on this site far exceeds the earnings (imagine working full time for 1 year but you get the salary of 1 week), so please enjoy your stay and understand that maintaining such websites are not easy :) Remember this even when you're visiting other blogs and websites! Thanks for all your support up till this date and I'll be sure to continue updating this site with more info from time to time!
- As I'm currently busy with my full time job as a Software Engineer, this website will be updated when the time comes. Thanks again for your patience.
27 August 2010
- Removed Twitter's link for good. Never liked it anyway.
25 June 2010
- Changed front page top design. Added 3 buttons that linked to pc tricks, iPhone tricks and Web comics.
- Changed front page blog updates to include iphone and comics.
- Changed to use only one RSS instead of seperate RSS for pc/iphone/comic.
24 June 2010
- Rewrite Magic Button flow.
- Added Web Comics section!
18 June 2010
- Added interactive social media buttons between content and comments.
3 June 2010
- iPhone section officially opened!
- Removed 'Categories' menu from header bar, moved to right sidebar and will only appear for 'All Guides' and 'All Software' Section.
2 June 2010
- Added breadcrumbs in articles page to link back to each of its own category for easier navigation.
27 May 2010
- Moved Login/Registration from right sidebar to top menu bar to save space. Wanted to do this much earlier but got delayed due to technical difficulties involved (all the coding =.=)
26 May 2010
Added an icon
beside external links to indicate that it will connect to an external website by opening it in a new tab/window if you click on it.
20 May 2010
- Modified Image thumbnails so that they are fixed 150x150 pixels. Previously non-square images will have different thumbnail dimensions causing some alignment problems in pages such as this one. This had been fixed now :)
18 May 2010
- Moved software download link or website link to the top of every article to be more systematic. It is also easier to access this way.
10 May 2010
- Added 'All Guides (with Pictures)' magic button.
- Added 'Random Article' box at right sidebar.
4 May 2010
- Added 'Translate Page' function at right sidebar!
- Removed Chatterbox Cbox because it creates annoying pop ups for Internet Explorer Users.
26 April 2010
- Added Donation Box at right sidebar, every cent counts :)
23 April 2010
- Changed Social Bookmarking button at the bottom of each article to be more appealing.
22 April 2010
- Changed Files/Folders Management Category to File Recovery & Folder Management.
- Changed Free Calls/SMS Category to Communication Tools.
- Combined Media Conversion and CD/DVD Burning Categories as one and named as Media Conversion & CD/DVD Burning. Deleted Video Recording/Viewing Category and moved articles to this new category.
21 April 2010
- Added article suggestions at the bottom of every article, along with thumbnails! (Took me a long long time to code it so.. enjoy!)
- Added cover pictures to the remaining older articles which don't have one before. Now every article has a cover picture.
20 April 2010
- Added cover pictures to some of the older articles.
16 April 2010
- Changed File Recovery Category to Files/Folders Management.
14 April 2010
- Added Twitter link, RSS Feed link and Email Subscription together with the old Facebook Fanbox on right sidebar.
13 April 2010
- Now you can receive updates on Twitter!
10 April 2010
- At the bottom of each guide now shows a list of guides that the reader might be interested in.
19 March 2010
- Opened TheSimplest.net Forum.
- Removed 'Suggest A Topic!' page. Replaced by Suggestions inside Forum.
4 March 2010
- Created thesimplest.net Fan Page on Facebook.
23 February 2010
18 February 2010
- Added Chatterbox at right sidebar.
17 February 2010
- Moved Secondary Links to website Footer to save some space on right sidebar.
15 February 2010
- Added Google Adsense. This is going to be the only contextual ad used in this website for now.
9 February 2010
- Added Privacy Policy Section.
4 February 2010
- Updated Turn Off Monitor to simpler method.
- Removed all advertisements.
3 February 2010
- Added 'Suggest a Topic!' section to top menu.
- Removed Bidvertiser Ads because of its buggy script and slow server response.
- Changed to Clicksor Ads.
2 February 2010
- Redesigned site layout so that users not using widescreen monitors (majority using 1024x768 screen resolution) are able to view website correctly. Previously users will get corrupted display (content overlapping right sidebar).
- Changed layout to use only right sidebar.
- Moved 'The Simplest Guide - Categories' to top menu now and can be accessed by mouse over.
- Added Bidvertiser Ads.
31 January 2010
- Added Terms & Conditions Section.
- Moved 'Live Activity Feed' to left sidebar and make it to appear only at home page and not in other pages.
- Added Advertising at right sidebar.
30 January 2010
- Changed TheSimplest.net site logo :) Mascot logo is created and designed from scratch by my friend Kai. Thanks!
- Also changed Favicon (the small logo you see when you bookmark a site)
- Removed user's ability to post guides.
- Revised Links section, now is called 'Link Exchange'.
- Updated Schedule Shutdown to even simpler method.
- Moved Popular Content link as one of the Magic Buttons.
29 January 2010
- Changed 'Live Activity Feed' to use FeedJit instead of Wowzio. FeedJit loads faster, gives more information and is less buggy. Also it has loads of features which I wish I had in Wowzio before.
28 January 2010
- Updated Youtube Video Retriever to even simpler method.
27 January 2010
- Added Site Diary Section.
- Revised category terms to be more descriptive. I think this is the better way to sort the guides.
- Updated All Guides section to sort by Category on default.
- Updated Software Used In This Site section to link to the download page directly, also added links to each respective guides in this website.
- Added 'Magic Button' at left sidebar for easier navigation to site contents.
26 January 2010
- Added 'Live Activity Feed' to website.
- Removed 'Popular Content' tab from left sidebar.
- Allowed anonymous visitors to add comments (email required).
Around January 2010
- Setup basic structure of website.
- Allowed registered user to submit their own guides and upload pictures.
- Implemented WYSIWYG editor - CKEditor as base editor for all content.
- Changed to SEO friendly URLs.
- Added basic spam protection system.
- Added voting system.
29 December 2009
- Bought TheSimplest.net domain name.