Previously I reviewed an App for reading manga on the iPhone. However that app is only good if you already have a collection of mangas downloaded to your PC. If you never downloaded any manga from the net before, here's the easiest way to start reading manga on your iPhone/iPad!
Mangashelf is a great app for this simple purpose. It doesn't have complicated 3 pages settings, or sophisticated input gestures, it is a very simple app that does what it is designed for.. to read manga.
Obviously you'll need an internet connection, preferably Wifi for fast streaming. Just select the manga you want and start reading, you don't even need to wait for the download to finish because as long as it finished loading the first page, you're good to go as it will continue to download while you read. The manga will also be saved in your 'Manga Shelf' so you could view it offline anytime :)
Features include:
- Read 1000+ Manga from Manga Fox, Manga Volume, and Manga Toshokan.
- Browse for Manga by site and category.
- Search for Manga by name, artist, or author.
- Description and synopsis available for every manga.
I haven't try out the iPad version because I don't have one, but I think the iPad version is where this app truely shines :) Also note that you only need to buy this app once to use it on both the iPhone and the iPad!