Please read Autohotkey Introduction before you continue!
1) Let's say there's a series of commands you enter almost everyday and you decided to do something with that. For example I need to type 'Regards, J.C. Telephone no: 12345678' at the end of every email..
2) Edit your autohotkey script file, and add in the code below:
^!g::Send Regards,{ENTER}J.C.{ENTER}Telephone no: 12345678
3) Save the script and reload the script. Now try pressing 'CTRL + ALT + G' on your keyboard :)
4) {ENTER} will simulate the enter key on your keyboard, same goes to {TAB}, {NUMPAD1}, {SHIFT} and basically any key on your keyboard could be written in the script to be executed. If a human can perform something on the computer, autohotkey can help you to do it :) You just need to write the script one time!
End Note:
This serves as an intro to what autohotkey can achieve, the possibilities are endless, experiment is the key!
You can even do more advance stuff such as using If..Else.. statement just like other programming language. Refer to www.autohotkey.com for detailed documentation.
Autohotkey is used in a series of guides in this site: