Online services, from online banking to Facebook, all requires passwords. Here's a way to store them all in one place in case you forget them. (unless you're using just one password for all =.=')
KeePass is a freeware password manager. It stores all your passwords in one database file which is locked by a master password.
There are online services which allow you to store passwords, but I don't recommend them because..
- Do you trust them?
- When data is transferred between you and the server, hackers might be able to hijack it in the middle of the connection path.
1) Download KeePass Portable and install it. Portable means that you can just copy the KeePass folder to your thumbdrive and run it in any PC without installing again.
2) Run KeePassPortable.exe in the folder where you installed (might not be able to find it in start menu because this is portable version). Click 'File' -> 'New' to start.
3) Here you'll enter your Master Password, this is needed to access all your passwords in the database later so make sure it is a Strong Password. Strong means it's at least 6 characters long, and consists of upper/lower case letters, numbers, and at least one symbol. Make it so that it's impossible to guess and doesn't relate to any of your birthdays/car plate numbers. Optionally, you may use a key file to make it harder for others to hack your password but if you lost it, you can't access your passwords yourself.
4) In the next screen you'll see subgroups such as Windows, Internet, Homebanking and so on. Feel free to create your own group/subgroup by right-clicking on the groups or use the 'Edit' button on the toolbar.
5) You may add new entries by right-clicking the empty space on the right side. It's useful to enter the login URL too so that you may use the 'Open URL' feature later. Right-click an entry and select 'Perform Auto Type' to fill in the username & password for you!
6) After you're done, choose 'File' -> 'Save As' to save the whole database anywhere in your harddisk/thumbdrive, it is stored in *.kdb format. Without KeePass + your master password, this file is useless, feel free to store it in your mailbox (by sending an email attachment to yourself) or thumbdrive. Even if someone got their hands on the file, they can't get anything from it.