Skype is very popular but shockingly not many people are using it to their advantage. By using Skype you could save lots of money on long distance calls especially for those who travel frequently.
1) Get a proper microphone if you don't have one already. For those with an iPhone, check out the iPhone version instead!
2) Start the program and it will ask you to register an account.
3) After that you may start adding your friends by searching for their name/email.
4) Click 'Add Contact' in the next window to add your friend. They will appear permanently in your contacts list.
5) A green tick beside the name indicates that your friend is online and you may make a call.
6) The other side of the call will see a pop up window as shown below. It works just like your regular telephone!
End Note:
The conversation quality may depend on your internet connection speed/stability.
skype for windows 8
skype soon work correctly in Windows 8, while not choose as voip system.