Trying to search for a file/folder by the name? Want to do it fast and simple?
Here's a tiny little program that searches your files INSTANTLY the moment you're typing, and doesn't lag your computer at all; much better than Windows' built-in file search!
PS: However there's a catch, only NTFS harddisk format is supported. (Luckily your harddisk is probably using this format if it is bought not too long ago)
Here's a step by step, and very detailed guide on how to use it:
1) Step one, type in the text to search for..
2) Wait, there's no step two!
The software uses some special algorithm that indexes your entire harddisk within seconds. It monitors any changes to the file system so the results will always be the latest :)
Is 'Everything' a software worth getting? King Leonidas can't agree more.
[Picture borrowed from movie '300']
End Note
Some useful tips:
- To search for 'foo' AND 'bar': foo bar
- To search for 'foo' OR 'bar': foo | bar
- To exclude something from the search: !foo
- Wildcard * is supported: f*o b*r
- To include spacebar in search: "foo bar"
- To search for a file type: *.mp3
- To search for all your avis in a downloads folder: downloads\ .avi