Submitted by Alucard on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 15:54
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Smart Defrag
*Updated 11 June 2010* Introducing an even better solution!
Lazy to schedule a time slot to defrag your harddisk? Not to mention you can't use your PC during that time..
The solution is to auto defrag every time you left your computer idle :)
Features include:
- It boasts 'install it and forget it' feature, which means that it will auto defrag your harddisk when your PC is idle.
- Runs quietly in the background and uses very little RAM.
- Has 'deep optimize' mode (needs to run manually and will take some time to run) which speeds up your PC tremendously.
Wouldn't the constant disk access end up hurting the hard drive at some point?
Defragmentation will not damage your hard drive
Myth: You can wear out your hard drive if you defragment too often.
Not true. The truth is, your drive is going to work much harder if you never defrag at all! It is a common misconception that defragmentation is stressful to disk drives. In reality, fragmentation results in many more disk accesses.
Here is an example: If you have a file that is fragmented into 50 pieces, and you access it twice a day for a week, that's a total of 700 disk accesses (50 x 2 x 7). Defragmenting the file may cost 100 disk accesses (50 reads + 50 writes), but thereafter only one disk access will be required to use the file. That's 14 disk accesses over the course of a week (2 x 7), plus 100 for the defragmentation process = 114 total. 700 accesses for the fragmented computer versus 114 for the defragmented computer - the benefits are obvious.
The more you defrag the less time it takes
If you defrag often, the files are mostly defragged, so the defragmenter will not have much work to do, and will simply finish its work after a few seconds..
However, if your harddisk just stops working one day, i believe that it has reached its lifespan coincidently and not caused by any defragmenter program whatsoever..
Compare a harddisk which is frequently defragged, with a harddisk which is never defragged, the latter will have higher risk to break down any day. I remember I saw someone's post on this in some forum, he said: "I've build and maintained stand alone computers for years and some networks. I sell more hard drives than any other type of hardware. Believe me...Not defragging a drive often enough is a drive killer. I have three dead drives in the shop right now."
The problem is, the
The problem is, the defragmenter sometimes doesn't turn off automatically until it reaches some point, when you resume to use your computer after a poop.
So it's better to leave it on one night once in 3 months or so.