In the old days we need to use Photoshop and the like to remove objects. However the price of the software as well as the learning curve is a bit overkill for a simple task like this.
Here's a Free tool that allows you to remove any object just by highlighting it, magic? You bet. Note that this technology was introduced only recently in Adobe Photoshop CS5, not sure if the algorithm works differently but you'll get almost similar results using this Free tool :)
1) Head to the website link above, click 'Load Image' and select any image. How about a magic trick? I'm going to make this basketball... disappear.
2) Highlight the basketball with your left mouse button..
3) Click 'Inpaint'. Tada!! It's... it's gone :)
4) Click on the button next to 'Load Image' (the diskette) to save your new picture.
End Note:
Please don't expect every photo to work out perfectly as some objects are easier to remove than others (for example try removing a person in this picture instead, you'll be disappointed). For best results the object has to be clearly distinct from other objects (e.g. the basketball in this picture).
The most practical use? I'll bet it's to remove moles and pimples from one's Facebook profile picture :)
I compared the result with the tool in Photoshop CS5, and believe me it doesn't do any better than this free tool.