To all the serious bloggers out there who are seeking for a good and reliable web host for your blog, listen to me very carefully.
Though I don't know how to identify the best web host in the world, I can tell you which one to avoid.
That is... ------> Fatcow.com <------
This is one cow you would want to avoid. Why is that so?
- Seems to have attractive prices at first glance, however if you look very carefully in a few pages deep within the website (which the Fatcow's staff gladly pointed to me later) it states that the prices are only applicable for first time customers and 'normal' prices apply for subsequent hosting renewal! In plain english: They will screw you over if you fell in their trap.
- Constantly trying to squeeze your wallet till you dry. For example the first year domain hosting costs $44, but the second year? A whopping $100+ USD for god's sake what reason. That's simply unacceptable for me. With so many competitors out there in web hosting business Fatcow's is a joke. I tried to negotiate with them but apparently they doesn't value my opinion at all.
- The web host I'm using to host this site costs $42/year and I never have any issues paying the same price for subsequent years. They even asked me politely if I would upgrade to a 2 year or 3 year plan which is a little bit cheaper in the long run. When I gladly refused they thanked me again. Now this is what I called customer satisfaction! Fatcow is 1 billion years away to achieve this kind of customer satisfaction.
- Fatcow's representative treated me not as a valuable customer, but like some passerby. With their attitude they will just chase existing customers away. I think their policy is to constantly piss their customers off so they will leave to make way for new customers.
- Slow servers compare to Justhost.
- More downtime compare to Justhost.
- Custom control panel which is very hard to use compare to to the more popular industrial standard cpanel (which most webhosts, including Justhost is using).
Anyway, if you're looking for a good host I recommend the one I'm using, Justhost. I'd also written a review on Justhost and how to get a fair deal. If you read the comments on that post of mine you can see I hated Fatcow from day one due to their lousy website management interface.
There's one thing good about Fatcow though: Without it, I would never know how good Justhost is.
Final verdict: Fatcow Sucks
I hope they go out of business soon.
LOL just when I thought I had enough of their bullshit, I just got "charged" for the supposedly FREE DOMAIN FOR LIFE (as long as I continue hosting with them) today. I emailed them about it and here's their reply:
Thank you for contacting Support.
The free domains which we providing with hosting package is only for one year. The next year onwards customer needs to renew it.
If you have any further questions, please update the Support Console.
Simon Austin
Customer Support
I'm 100% sure they advertised free domain for life when I signed up. Here's a review article on Fatcow that proves my claim: http://www.webhostingbreak.com/hosting-features/fat-cow-free-domain/
So, I concurred that Fatcow were operated by a bunch of assholes.
To all Fatcow staffs:
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Hello Bruce, I hope you know
Hello Bruce,
I hope you know that Fatcow and Justhost belong to a company called Endurance International Group.
You really should read the comments from a former eig staffer about the customer that was unhappy with one eig host, yet happy when they transferred to another eig host.
Thanks for sharing
Hi Benjamin,
Thanks for the info, I never realize that they belong to the same company as the service I got from them is vastly different. I guess this is because EIG acquired Justhost but still letting it run as an independant company (I hope it stays that way).
I read the comments from the former EIG staffer and I guess I'm one of the customer that was unhappy with one EIG host, yet happy with the other. If one day Justhost becomes another Fatcow, I don't know which webhost to trust anymore as all the review sites cannot be trusted like you claimed.
Hi - I can understand and agree with your statements about fatcow being one of the worst hosts. However they have MANY competitors for that title. One I would like to give a dishonorable mention to is "Host Another"
I had my service terminated literally 1 week into a 1 year contract with them because of supposed high loads on their server. High load? It was a WORDPRESS BLOG!!!!
Further - parts of their TOS conflict with other parts - so asking for a refund is a complete waste of time. As they stated to me "it is within Host Another's determination whether or not you should receive a refund based on our TOS!"
Anyway - the double finger award from me goes to the WORST WEB HOST
thanks for letting me vent!
I feel your pain, there seems
I feel your pain, there seems to be a lot of web hosts with bad services out there, you'd be a lucky one if you didn't bump into any :)
You may want to try the host I'm using right now, it's pretty good :) see here for more information.